Waterfalls Village Homeowners Association

Membership Request Page

Thank you for your interest in the Waterfalls Village Homeowners Association.

We welcome all residents of Waterfalls Village who are owners of their home and pay lot rent only.

We consider employees of the Park and / or the park owners who live in the park to have a conflict of

Interests and will therefore not accept them as members.

There are benefits to being a supporting member of the association which will be explained privately.

We ask a Dues payment of five dollars ($ 5.00) Annually to maintain membership

Dues will be used to support this website and for operating expenses only.

No officer or member may benefit financially from the Association Dues.

Membership Request

Please provide the following information:

Name (first and last)

Names of Adults (18 and over) in house



Lot Number

Email address

Telephone Number (optional but suggested)
